Education Programs

  • Collaborative graduate school: The Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University
  • Collaborative graduate school: The Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
  • Development of teaching materials for Japanese linguistics: e-PG Pathshala (India)
  • Collaborative graduate school: The Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University

    Since 2005, we have offered a collaborative graduate school program (Japanese Language Educational Degree Program) with the Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University. The collaborative graduate school is for Japanese students and foreign students staying in Japan, and it aims to develop researchers and Japanese language educators with specialized knowledge in Japanese language education, Japanese linguistics, and Japanese culture.

    Collaborative graduate school: The Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

    Based on an agreement with the Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, we have offered a collaborative graduate school program since 2016. The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics is mainly responsible for the Japanese linguistics research field.

    Development of teaching materials for Japanese linguistics: e-PG Pathshala (India)

    Based on an agreement with Jawaharlal Nehru University, we jointly developed teaching materials for a course in Japanese linguistics by e-PG Pathshala, an Internet graduate school offered by the University Grants Commission under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. All teaching materials are published free of charge on the Internet.

    Target: Graduate school master's program
    Content of teaching materials: Lecture videos and text related to Japanese linguistics (Total 30 lectures)
    Language used: Japanese

    Lecture list :

    1. Languages of the World and Japanese video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    2.Vowels and Consonants video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    3.Accent and Intonation video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    4.Japanese Scripts video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    5.Japanese Lexical Categories video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    6.Meaning of Words video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    7.Word Formation video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    8.Word Class System and Conjugation video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    9.Basic Sentence Structure video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    10.Benefactive Expressions video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    11.Predicate and Case video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    12.Voice video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    13.Aspect and Tense video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    14.Negation video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    15.Modality (1) video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    16.Modality (2) video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    17.Coordination video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    18.Toritate: Focusing and Defocusing of Words, Phrases and Clauses video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    19.Topic of the Sentence video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    20.Adverb video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    21.Noun Modification Adnominal Modification Expressions video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    22.Complex Sentence (1) video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    23.Complex Sentence (2) video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    24.Attitudinal Expressions video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    25.Demonstratives video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    26.Discourse video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    27.Spoken and Written Language video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    28.Contrastive Study: Universality and Uniqueness of Temperature Expressions video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    29.Corpus Based Research on Japanese video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
    30.Second Language Acquisition video lecture textbook (PDF) supplementary materials (PDF)
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