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“Honorifics in Japanese Schools”: Results from Questionnaires Data from the questionnaire survey on the use and awareness of the honorifics among junior high school and high school students carried out from 1989 to 1990 by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. In all, 2,456 junior high school students from Tokyo and 339 from Yamagata, 2,222 high school students from Tokyo and 1,004 from Osaka took part in the survey. |
A Cineradiograph of Japanese Pronunciation The Cineradiograph of articulatory movement of Japanese filmed in 1965 and 1967. |
A Dictionary of Tone-accent on Words in the Tokyo Dialect Provides data digitalized from "A Dictionary of Tone-accent on Words in the Tokyo Dialect" (supervised by Takeshi Shibata and compiled by Yoshio Mase and Ryoichi Sato in 1985). |
A National Attitudinal Survey on Effective Administrative Communication Response data from an attitude survey (conducted in 2003) that asked the heads and employees of municipal governments about their efforts to communicate with residents using easy-to-understand terms and to communicate with them smoothly. |
A National Attitudinal Survey on Loanwords in Japanese Response data from an attitude survey (conducted in 2003 and 2004) on loanwords and abbreviations, and communication scenes that use them. |
A National Attitudinal Survey on the Japanese Proficiency Response data from an attitude survey (conducted in 2006) that looked into Japanese people's attitudes towards "Japanese proficiency." |
A National Survey on the Use of Loanwords in Japanese Statistical data from a survey conducted from 2002 through 2004 on the penetration levels (recognition, understanding, and frequency of use) of 405 loanwords. |
A Selected Bibliography of the Studies on Japanese Language Overseas A bibliography of studies on Japanese language published across the world, excluding Japan, collected under an international academic research project financed through the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research entitled "Collection and Analysis of Bibliographic Information on Japanese Language Research in the Age of Internationalization" (1994-1995). |
A Survey on Language Behavior in Response to Video-instruction Response data from an attitude survey on linguistic behavior observations and predictions, conducted on Japanese people living in Brazil, France, South Korea, the US and Vietnam, and Brazilian, French, South Korean, American and Vietnamese residents in Japan. (Scene 6 "Responding to a Request," one of the six scenes. Conducted from 1996 to 1998.) |
A Survey on the Medical Communications Provides statistical data from a survey conducted to select words for a proposal that makes it easy to understand "medical communications," identify problems, and explore improvement methods. (Doctors were asked to write down problematic words, healthcare professionals were surveyed about their attitudes to terms, non-healthcare professionals were surveyed about their levels of understanding, and so on.) |
Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics “Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL)” collects and stores outcomes of academic and educational activities at NINJAL, as well as academic materials held by NINJAL in an electronic format, which is accessible on the Internet. |
Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ) ‘The Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese’ (BCCWJ) is a corpus created for the purpose of attempting to grasp the diversity of contemporary written Japanese. The data is comprised of 104.3 million words, covering genres such as general books and magazines, newspapers, business reports, blogs, internet forums, textbooks, and legal documents, among others. Morphological information and document structure were annotated to randomly taken samples. BCCWJ is available to the public online as well as a DVD set. |
Basic Research on Corpus Annotation Web page of the project `Basic Resaearch on Corpus Annotation' (2009-2015) |
Basic Research on Corpus Annotation - Extension, Integration, and Machine-aided Approaches Web page of the project `Basic Research on Corpus Annotation - Extension, Integration, and Machine-aided Approaches' (2016-2021) |
Beijing Corpus of Japanese as a Second Language (B-JAS) This corpus is a longitudinal corpus collected over four years, consisting of Japanese speech and writing data from native Chinese-speaking university students who are studying Japanese. |
Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research This is a database of articles dealing with the Japanese language and Japanese language education that have appeared in academic journals and collections of papers and other publications. It contains searchable articles and books on these topics published in 1950 onwards. |
Bibliography for Studies of the Language in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area of Japan A bibliography of studies of the language in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Documents in related fields, such as those concerning place names and topography, are also included. |
BTSJ Japanese Natural Conversation Corpus BTSJ Japanese Natural Conversation Corpus contains 514 natural conversations (127 hours), providing transcripts and audio data. |
Bunrui Goihyo (Word List by Semantic Principles, Revised and Enlarged Edition) Bunrui Goihyo is a Japanese thesaurus. This database version was built by incorporating the contents of the Bunrui Goihyo book edition (revised and enlarged edition). It was created in the CSV file format to enable uploading into data organization software. The total number of records is 101,070. |
Catalogue of Nikkei Materials in North America This catalogue includes Nikkei or Japanese American materials (audio/audiovisual, photos, etc.) stored at institutions in Japan, Hawaii, and North America. |
Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room Collection A catalogue of materials (e.g., index cards, audio recordings, etc.) collected or created in the various research projects by NINJAL. |
Chunagon Chunagon is a web concordancer that enables a three-way search of the corpora developed by NINJAL. In Chunagon, short unit word, long unit word, and string are available. Using a combination of morphological information, it is possible to make an advanced search of the corpus. |
Collection of the Research Library for Study of the Japanese Language History The Research Library owns valuable archives for research into Japanese language history and development of the historical corpus, digital images of the archives can be browsed online. |
Compound Verb Lexicon Comprising over 2,700 verb-verb compound verbs of contemporary Japanese, this online dictionary provides useful information on their linguistic features for both researchers and learners of Japanese. In addition to Japanese representations, it offers English, Chinese, and Korean translations for the semantic definitions and example sentences. The original Excel data downloadable upon agreement. |
Comprehensive Indexical Database of the NLRI's Studies on Sociolinguistics A database of the indexes to 12 sociolinguistic reports that was published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics with indexes until 1998 when it was named the National Language Research Institute (NLRI). (A total of approximately 10,000 entries) |
Contrastive Vocabulary Table of Japanese, German, French and Spanish Electric data of "A Contrastive Study of the Fundamental Vocabulary of Japanese, German, French and Spanish", published in 1986. |
Conversational Strategy Data for Japanese Language Learners Provides transcripts of conversations between learners of Japanese who are native speakers of English or have very good English skills and native speakers of Japanese (recorded from 1981 to 1984). |
Corpora of Modern Japanese This is corpus developed to research the Japanese language of the Meiji and Taisho eras. The ‘Taiyo corpus’, ‘Modern women’s magazines corpus’, ‘Meiroku Zasshi corpus’, and ‘Kokumin-no-Tomo corpus’ are available. |
Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation (CEJC) The Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation contains 200 hours of everyday conversations in a balanced manner, providing video and audio data, transcripts, and several kinds of annotations. This is available in two ways: 1) a web-based search system accessible to two-way POS data, and 2) the entire corpus including video/audio data and all annotations. |
Corpus of Historical Japanese (CHJ) This corpus collects materials to research the history of the Japanese language. The development of the corpus is ongoing, with a view to producing a diachronic corpus which covers a period from the ancient times to the modern times. What is already built is available at the moment. |
Corpus of Japanese as a Second Language (C-JAS) NINJAL has published the interview oral data of six JSL learners (three Chinese and three Korean), who were studying at a Japanese language school for college preparatory education, a vocational school, a junior college and universities in Japan. Their three years of learning was divided into eight terms, 3-4 months each, in the longitudinal research. The amount of data recorded is about 46.5 hours and the total number of words is about 570,000. |
Corpus of Japanese Dialects (COJADS) This is the first courpus of Japanese dialects. It is based on the discourses collected by Agency of Cultural Affair durin 1977-1985. You can search in dialects and Standard Japanese but currently short unit search is only available for Standard Japanese. |
Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ) The “Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese” (or CSJ) is a database containing a large collection of Japanese spoken language data and information for use in linguistic research; jointly developed by NINJAL, NICT and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the CSJ is world-class in both the quantity and quality of the available data (7.5 million words).The corpus has been used for a wide variety of research purposes such as spoken language processing, natural language processing, phonetics, psychology, sociology, Japanese education, and dictionary compilation. |
Data and Program Release [hogen kenkyu no heya] Complete data from the Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects (GAJ), PDF files of GAJ, tools and contents for mapping linguistic (dialectal) maps, results of preliminary study for GAJ, and database of linguistic (dialectal) atlases of Japanese dialects are published. |
Data from a national survey of language usage and language awareness Response data from a national survey (conducted in 2009 on 925 males and females aged 20-79 in 73 locations) on language usage and language awareness. |
Database of Basic Vocabulary in Education / Database of Basic Vocabulary in Japanese Language Education The Database of Basic Vocabulary in Education and Database of Basic Vocabulary in Japanese Language Education, included on "Basic research on the fundamental vocabulary used for educational purposes : Revised and expanded edition (The national language research institute research report ; 127)" (published in 2009). |
Database of endangered languages/dialects in Japan This database releases recorded voices of endangered languages/dialects in Japan. It consists of word pronunciations and natural conversations of the endangered languages/dialects, such as Amami, Okinawa, and Hachijo. It also includes transcribed texts and their translation into Standard Japanese. |
Database of Hokkaido Survey This is a database of the standardization of Hokkaido Dialect (Furano City and Sapporo City) based on longitudinal surveys conducted in 1958-60, 1986-87. |
Database of Linguistic Atlases and Maps of Japan A database of linguistic and dialectological atlases for Japanese published in Japan. It includes a bibliography of atlases (for each map, entries for author, title, year of publication, period and area of survey), the contents of maps included in the atlases (including titles and keywords for searching) and image files of maps (geotagged to the extent possible). |
Database of Tsuruoka Survey This is a database of the standardization of Tsuruoka Dialect based on longitudinal surveys conducted in 1950, 1971, 1991, 2011. |
Databases of Japanese Examples Extracted from Web Corpora (Adjectives) These databases provide examples of Japanese adjectives. Examples in the databases are extracted from special purpose Web corpora for each entry word that were constructed to collect adequate examples for every entry word, preventing bias of collected examples. |
Databases of Japanese Examples Extracted from Web Corpora (Japanese compound verbs) These databases provide examples of Japanese compound verbs. Examples in the databases are extracted from special purpose Web corpora for each entry word that were constructed to collect adequate examples for every entry word, preventing bias of collected examples. |
Databases of Japanese Examples Extracted from Web Corpora (Sahen verbs) These databases provide examples of Japanese nominal verbs. Examples in the databases are extracted from special purpose Web corpora for each entry word that were constructed to collect adequate examples for every entry word, preventing bias of collected examples. |
Dataset of Educational Video Material Series for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language This site presents movies (application required), scenario collection, and vocabulary chart digitized from the Educational Film Series for the Japanese Language (Basic Level) and the Educational Video Materials for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (Intermediate Level, Primary Level). |
Datasets of “Dialect Recordings Series” Machine readable text files and audio files of “Dialect Recordings Series” published in 1978-1987. |
Datasets of “Texts of Tape-Recorded Conversations in Japanese Dialects” Machine readable text files and audio files of “Texts of Tape-Recorded Conversations in Japanese Dialects” published in 1978-1987. |
Dictionary of Basic Japanese Collocation (Indonesian) The Dictionary of Basic Japanese Collocation (Indonesian) contains about 4,000 basic Japanese words. It is a dictionary for native Indonesian learners of Japanese who have completed the elementary level. |
Draft Linguistic Map Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room A catalogue of drafts of the Linguistic Atlas of Japan, Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects, and other maps created for research purposes; referential maps; and so on. |
Electric Data of Association Word Lists of Children Electric data of Yoji Jido no Rensou Goihyo (Association Word Lists of Children), published 1981. |
Electric Data of Research on Basic Vocabulary for Learners of Japanese Electric data of Nihongo-kyouiku no tame no Kihon-goi Chosa (Research on basic vocabulary for learners of Japanese.), published 1984. |
Examples for Training Voice Articulations and Word Utterances The Examples for Training Voice Articulations and Word Utterances provides audio recordings of example sentences for Japanese pronunciation training for Korean, Thai, Chinese, Malaysian, and Indonesian learners of Japanese. |
Field Research Project to Analyze the Formation Process of Japanese Dialects (FPJD) and New Linguistic Atlas of Japan (NLJ) This database release the dialectological distribution data of 554 places researched by Field Research Project to Analyze the Formation Process of Japanese Dialects between 2010 and 2015. |
Film Script Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room A catalogue of the film scripts collected and stored by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics for spoken language research. |
FishWatchr: Observation Support System for Educational Activities In educational activities such as discussion exercises and role-plays, students often observe and evaluate their activities each other. FishWatchr allows students to make annotations on real-time activities and video-recorded ones, and supports students' group reflection by using the annotation results. |
Full Text Database of Kokugogaku The full text of Kokugogaku (the former journal of the Society for Japanese Linguistics) can be searched for online. |
Glossed Audio Corpus of Ainu Folklore This is the first fully glossed and annotated digital collection of Ainu folktales with translations into Japanese and English. It contains 10 stories (8 uepeker ‘prosaic folktales’ and 2 kamuy yukar ‘divine epics’) narrated by Mrs. Kimi Kimura (1900-1988, born in Penakori Village, upper district of the Saru River) with a total recording time of about 3 hours. |
Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects (PDF) The ‘Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects’ is a linguistic map (dialect map) which shows an overview of geographical distribution of grammatical phenomena across Japan. Images of maps contained in the ‘Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects’ (a total of 350) are available. |
Handbook of Basic Japanese Verbs This is an online handbook for teachers (native as well as non-native) and learners of the Japanese language, designed for deepening systematic understanding of polysemous basic Japanese verbs. |
Headline Database of Language-Related Newspaper Articles (download) The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics collected newspapers articles on language from 1949 to September 2009 to create a ‘newspaper clip collection’. The database contains information on the publication data, the newspaper title, and the headlines of the newspaper articles collected in the ‘newspaper clip collection’. |
Hentaigana Database Provides images and information of "hentaigana," which are variants of hiragana, selected as candidates for international character encoding standards (ISO/IEC 10646, Unicode). The NINJAL hentaigana font is also provided. |
Hideo Teramura: Collected Papers on Adnominal Modification This site presents English translations of several of the research contributions of the late Professor Hideo Teramura (1928-1990), who contributed greatly to the development of the fundamentals of Japanese language studies and Japanese language education through the 1970s and 1980s. |
Himawari: Full-Text Search System for Linguistic Resources “Himawari” is a full-text search system for linguistic resources such as corpora, databases of examples and lexicons. This system can search linguistic resources described in XML, and show the context of a search key and annotated information in the linguistic resources (e.g. bibliographic information). |
Images of the Amakusa edition of Heike monogatari, Isoho monogatari and Kinkushū in the British Library collection This database provides images of the Amakusa edition of Heike monogatari, Isoho monogatari, Kinkushū, Kotoba no yawarage and Japanese-Portuguese vocabulary in the British Library collection (BL, Shelfmark: Or.59.aa.1). All images are in the public domain. |
Images of the Tale of Genji Manuscript Book at the Library of Congress This database provides images of the Tale of Genji manuscript at the Library of Congress (LC, LC Control No.: 2008427768), using a viewer that displays images of original texts and transliterated texts side-by-side. Kiritsubo, Suma and Kashiwagi are accessible. |
Indexical Database of the Japanese Language Studies Provides data from the "General Index to Japanese Language Studies," a joint project by the Society for the Study of Japanese Language and the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. |
International Census on Attitudes Toward Japanese Response data from the International Census on Attitudes Toward Japanese, an international comparative survey conducted from January 1997 through August 1998 that asked 32,471 respondents in 28 different countries and regions in the world, including Japan, about their attitudes towards Japanese, their first languages, and English. |
International Corpus of Japanese as a Second Language (I-JAS) In spring of 2020, NINJAL published the International corpus of Japanese as a second language (I-JAS)collected from 1000 learners, 850 from 12 different native languages who were studying Japanese overseas and 150 from those studying in Japan, either in a classroom or natural environment. The data of 50 Japanese native speakers is also added. It contains oral task data (story-telling, role-play, interview and picture-description), written data (story--telling, role-play, interview and picture-description), written data (story-writing, essay and email messages), which was optional, and oral sound data. The result of the Japanese proficiency test and learners' information are also published. |
Japanese Dialect Database The Japanese Dialect Database is a database that contains text files of dialect speech (transcripts and translations in standard Japanese) and audio files. (A series of books with CD-ROM, 20 volumes in total, compiled by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics and published by Kokushokankokai from 2002 to 2008.) |
Japanese Learners' Contrastive Short Essay Database The Japanese Learners' Contrastive Short Essay Database contains Japanese essays written by learners of Japanese, translations of the essays by the authors themselves, and corrections by Japanese teachers and other correctors. |
Japanese Learners' Contrastive Speech Production Database The Japanese Learners' Contrastive Speech Production Database contains transcripts of Japanese speeches by learners of Japanese (who are native speakers of Chinese, Korean, and Thai), their speeches in their first languages that mean roughly the same, and Japanese speeches by Japanese native speakers on the same theme. |
Japanese Onomatopoeia Reference for Learners Japanese onomatopoeia reference with cartoons and illustrations for Japanese language learners. |
Japanese Word History and Frequency This tool allows users to search for statistical information from the corpus, old dictionaries, language maps, language articles, and other materials related to the history of the Japanese language at one time. |
Koshikijima Accent Database This is an accent database of Koshikijima Japanese, a dialect spoken on the Koshikijima Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture. It is an endangered dialect with about 2,000 native speakers. |
Kunten Database This is the Database of gloss information (Kunten information) on Shangshu (printed in the late 16th century) at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. |
Language Museum This website introduces a variety of languages spoken in Japan so that you can see, listen, and learn them. Some languages might sound totally different from Tokyo Japanese, others might be familiar to you. Click a tag that interests you and read the articles. You might want to visit the place or speak the language spoken there. |
Language Processing Data Source Provides "Language Processing Data Source" (compiled by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics from 1985 to 2001). |
Linguistic Atlas of Japan (PDF) The ‘Linguistic Atlas of Japan’ (dialect atlas) is one of the basic research materials of dialectology, which shows geographical distributions of words and pronunciations of Japanese dialects. Digital images of maps contained in the ‘Linguistic Atlas of Japan’ (a total of 300 images) are available in PDF format. |
Linguistic Survey of Two Million Characters in Contemporary Magazines (1994) These frequency lists are part of the outcomes of ‘A Survey of Vocabulary in Contemporary Magazines (1994)’ carried out at the National Institute for Japanese Language from 2001 to 2005. |
Magazine Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room A catalogue of the original copies of magazines collected and stored by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics for vocabulary research and other purposes. |
Nagoya University Conversation Corpus ‘Nagoya University Conversation Corpus’ (NUCC) is composed of transcriptions of 129 uncontrolled, natural conversations between or among friends, family members or colleagues. |
Nihongo Booklet (Annual Report of Japanese Language Trends) The Nihongo Booklet is an annual report that summarizes each year's trends about Japanese based on books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, and other materials. The 2007 version, 2006 version, 2005 version, 2004 version and revised 2002 version are available. |
NINJAL Hentaigana Database This site provides a database and a viewer that indexes glyph images of Hentaigana by reading, base form, and Unicode ID.It has functions such as mutual links with source images and options to display the source image and the transliterated text side by side. |
NINJAL Parsed Corpus of Modern Japanese (NPCMJ) NPCMJ is a syntactically and semantically annotated corpus of both written and spoken Modern Japanese. There are interfaces available for anyone to search, browse, and download trees easily. |
NINJAL Research Library OPAC This database allows the user to search the catalogue and location information of about 150,000 books and about 5,800 journals that the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics’ research library has. It contains catalogues and location information of rare books, audio-visual materials, and specialist collections. |
NINJAL Web Japanese Corpus (NWJC) 20 billion-word Web text corpus by crawling 100 million pages every three months. The corpus was automatically annotated morphological information and dependency structures. |
NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ (NLB) NINJAL-LWP for BCCWJ (NLB) is an online search tool for the BCCWJ which uses the lexical profiling technique. It has been jointly developed by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) and Lago Gengo Kenkyusho. |
Okinawa-go (Ryukyu Dialect) Dictionary Database Electric data of Okinawago Jiten (Okinawa Language Dictionary), published 1963 and revised 2001. |
Oxford-NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese “The Oxford-NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese” is a lemmatized, parsed and comprehensively annotated digital corpus of all texts in Japanese from the Old Japanese period. In its present version, the ONCOJ contains the full corpus of Old Japanese poetic texts, including the Man'yōshū. |
Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan This site provides the English translated papers which are selected by members of NINJAL as pioneering linguistic works in Japan with an established reputation. |
Program Library MCL (Method in Computational Linguistics) for Japanese Word Count An integrated processing program and program library MCL for Japanese language research developed by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. |
Rendaku Database A database of rendaku compounds with a noun + verb and a database of rendaku compounds recorded in literature from the Nara period. |
Research Materials on NINJAL This is a database of research materials (e.g., index cards, audio recordings, etc.) collected or created by NINJAL research projects in the past 70 years. |
Research on the World's Language Research Institutes Online version of the research results by language research institutes around the world that were published by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics in CD-ROM form in 2001. (In English) |
Researches for the Regional Distribution of the Language Use and Consciousness in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area of Japan Research results concerning the language use and consciousness of university students in the Tokyo metropolitan area are shown on linguistic maps. |
Shonagon Shonagon is a web concordancer on which even beginners of corpus linguistics can search the string of BCCWJ. |
Showa-Heisei Corpus of Written Japanese (SHC) This is a corpus of Japanese magazines, newspapers, and best-selling books from 1933 to 1997, with nine years of coverage every eight years. |
Spontaneous Conversational Data for Japanese Language Learners Provides data of conversations with learners of Japanese that was collected using the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) method (collected in 2007 and contains 339 transcripts and 215 pieces of audio data). |
Spontaneous Conversational Data for Japanese Language Learners: Longitudinal Survey Results Provides transcripts of conversations conducted over five years with learners of Japanese in communities with a large population of non-Japanese residents, who are either living in concentrated clusters or spread out throughout (conversations between the learners of Japanese and OPI testers). (Recorded from 2007 to 2012.) |
Teramura Database This database was compiled by the late Hideo Teramura, who laid the foundation for research on Japanese language education. He collected and classified errors in compositions written in Japanese language by foreign students from many different countries. |
Text Data of “Goi kenkyu bunken gobetsu mokuroku” Provides the full text data of “Goi Kenkyu Bunken Gobetsu Mokuroku" (compiled by Kiyoji Sato), contained in "Koza Nihongo no Goi Bekkan" (published in 1983 by Meiji Shoin). |
Text Data Sets for Research on the History of Japanese This website provides the data sets (txt, xml, etc.) for research on the history of Japanese. |
The Databese of the Okazaki Survey of Honorifics This database is the result of the honorifics survey in Okazaki City of Aichi Prefecture which was headed by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. The OSH (Okazaki Survey of Honorifics) was conducted in the years 1953, 1972, and 2008, and shows real-time changes over a span of 55 years following the war. |
The Real-Time MRI Articulatory Movement Database (rtMRIDB) This is a database of vocal tract shape producing speech sounds as observed by the real-time MRI movie technique. About 30,000 Japanese utterances uttered by 18 Standard Japanese and 7 Kinki Japanese speakers can be retrieved by word, phoneme, gender etc. The hit samples can be downloaded as a mp4 movie file. Data with information of incisor contours visualized by a special technique can also be retrieved. |
The World Atlas of Transitivity Pairs (WATP) This web application provides typological information on the formal relationship between lexical pairs of transitive and intransitive verbs in selected world languages including Japanese in the form of a map and charts. |
Tokyo Dialect - Interviews with Japanese Linguists Two researchers who were authorities on researching the language in the Tokyo metropolitan area and were native speakers were interviewed regarding "the language of Tokyo." Videos of parts of their interviews and transcripts are provided. |
Topical Dictionary of Conversational Ainu This online dictionary is based on the original Ainugo Kaiwa Jiten. It contains 3467 headwords which can be searched for by ‘Topic’ or ‘Full-text’ methods. In addition to the original notations, various information, including the colloquial translations, audio (3467 items), videos (131 iems), and photos (86 items) are provided. |
Topographic Map Catalogue of NINJAL Research Materials Room A catalogue of topographic maps used to confirm the location of investigation spots for the creation of the Linguistic Atlas of Japan and Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects. |
Transcription of the Tale of Genji Manuscript Book at the Library of Congress This database provides the transcription of the Tale of Genji manuscript at the Library of Congress (LC, LC Control No.: 2008427768), and it has the function of full-text search. |
UniDic A large-scale Japanese lexicon with morphological information including statistical models for a morphological analyzer MeCab. |
Web ChaMame A tool to perform morphological analysis using various UniDic dictionaries. It allows researchers to perform a series of tasks necessary for morphological analysis on the Internet via a user-friendly interface. |
Wokototen-zu Database This is the Database of Wokototen-zu which is a reading mark chart of vernacular reading of a Chinese texts. It can search Wokototen by the type, position, shape, meaning of the Wokototen. |