Special Joint Research Fellow

Special Joint Research Fellow

The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (hereafter, “the Institute”) gives research guidance to graduate students specializing in Japanese language (including instruction in Japanese as a foreign language) or related fields at universities and research institutes (both domestic and abroad). Graduate students who wish to receive research guidance should check the fields of specialization of the Academic Staff before selecting a Host Academic. Students are requested to submit the documents listed below after obtaining informal consent from the Host Academic, and having consulted with their academic supervisor at the university of current affiliation.


Special Joint Research Fellows are divided into two categories.

  • Long term
    Recruitment is done in accordance with the guidelines for appointing Special Joint Research Fellows. (Presently there is no call for applications).
    The period of appointment is (in principle) 1 year, with a starting date (in principle) in either April or October.
  • Short term
    For those persons having a letter of request or letter of recommendation from the Department Head (or equivalent thereto) of the institution of current affiliation
    The period of appointment is less than one year, with no restriction as to the starting date of appointment. However, for those in Masters programs at domestic universities, the total amount of time spent in research guidance appointments may not exceed 1 year.

How to apply

The Institute requires persons desiring an appointment as a Special Joint Research Fellow to apply for permission for acceptance by submitting the following documents to the Director-General of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics 2 months in advance of the starting date of the desired period of research guidance (3 months in advance if obtaining visa is necessary).

  • Long term
    A Letter of Consignment (Form 1) from the Dean of the Graduate School of current affiliation, a Letter of Recommendation (Form 2) from the academic advisor of the Graduate School of current affiliation, the Curriculum Vitae of the student in question, a Record of Research Achievements (Form 3), Proof of Enrollment and a Transcript of Grades of rthe student in question (in the format of the institution of current affiliation), a Letter Informal Consent (Form 4) of the Host Academic of the Institute.
    • Japanese format Word [ 25KB ]
  • Short term
    Curriculum Vitae, Record of Research Achievements, Research Plan (Japanese format) (English format), and a letter of request or a letter of recommendation from the President (or equivalent thereto) of the institution of current affiliation (any format).
    • Japanese format Word [ 21KB ]
    • English format Word [ 21KB ]

Use of facilities, etc.

Special Joint Research Fellows are allowed to use the facilities, equipment, and materials, etc. of the Institute upon obtaining permission from the respective officials in charge thereof.

Contact information for queries and submissions

Research Promotion Division, Administrative Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
(10-2 Midori-cho, Tachikawa City, Tokyo 190-8561, Japan))
E-mail: kenkyu-shien[at]ninjal.ac.jp (Replace [at] with @.)

Special Joint Research Fellows Currently Admitted

At present there are no Special Joint Research Fellows under appointment.

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