NINJAL Research Papers

NINJAL Research Papers

In order to promote research activities, the dissemination of research results, and the training of early-career researchers at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), NINJAL publishes online two issues of the journal “NINJAL Research Papers” per fiscal year (in principle, once in July and once in January).

ISSN 2186-134X (print) / ISSN 2186-1358 (online)

Editor: NINJAL Research Papers Editorial Board

Publisher: Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, National Institutes for the Humanities, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics

Call for papers

For information on how to submit, submission deadlines, and contact information for submissions, please see the "Call for papers" page.
The page includes links to the “Guidelines for Manuscript Submission for the Journal ‘NINJAL Research Papers,’” the “‘NINJAL Research Papers’ Paper Template,” and the “‘NINJAL Research Papers’ Manuscript Submission Cover Letter.”


2024.10.22 The Guidelines for Manuscript Submission for the journal “NINJAL Research Papers” have been revised. The Paper Template and the Manuscript Submission Cover Letter have been updated. Please see the “Call for papers” page.
2024.07.16 Announcing the publication of the 27th volume of “NINJAL Research Papers.”
2024.01.30 Announcing the publication of the 26th volume of “NINJAL Research Papers.”
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