The 45th NINJAL Tutorial
"Analysing L2 Spoken Japanese: Using Beijing Longitudinal Corpus of Japanese as a Second Language (B-JAS)"

The 45th NINJAL Tutorial "Analysing L2 Spoken Japanese: Using Beijing Longitudinal Corpus of Japanese as a Second Language (B-JAS)"
[ PDF | 482KB ]
March 14, 2023 (13:30-16:30)
Online (Zoom)
Hosted by
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
For more information, see our Japanese website.

NINJAL Tutorials

Goals and Objectives of the Program

The purpose of the NINJAL Tutorial is to foster and support young researchers. This is a part of an Inter-University Research Institute's mission of "cooperation with society, contribution to society, and fostering of young researchers". A NINJAL Tutorial session is a training session where expert researchers provide instruction in current research methods and results.

Target Audience
Graduate school level, as a general rule.
  • Graduate students (enrolled in master’s programs or doctoral programs)
  • Those who have completed master’s programs or doctoral programs within the last 6 years, as a general rule.
  • Those engaged in professions specializing in relevant disciplines
  • Undergraduate students planning to pursue graduate programs, etc.
Free (Textbook fee is required)
Previous NINJAL Tutorials
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