Center for the Promotion of Collaborative Research
The Center for the Promotion of Collaborative Research (共同利用推進センター : Japanese webpage) was established as a facility for collecting, organizing, and preserving research literature (in the Research Library) and research materials (in the Research Materials Room) in Japanese language, linguistics, Japanese language education and related fields. The center also facilitates their shared use by researchers by making them available to visitors to browse in person as well as electronically on the Web.
(1) Research Library
[Collection and browsing of research literature]
- We collect and store research literature on Japanese language, linguistics, Japanese language education, and related fields and make it available for use by visitors. The Research Library is located on the 2nd floor of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) (the stacks are on the 1st floor).
[Maintenance of library catalog database]
- We organize the research books and materials in our collection and publish the list electronically as the NINJAL Research Library OPAC.
[Maintenance of bibliographic database]
- We collect and organize a wide range of bibliographic information such as books and journal articles in the field of Japanese language research and Japanese language education research and publish it electronically as the NINJAL Bibliographic Database of Japanese Language Research.
[Operation of academic information repository]
- In accordance with our open access policy, we promote the registration and publication of research results, mainly produced by NINJAL, in the Academic Repository of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics.
[Digitization of books]
- We promote the digitization of rare books and documents held by NINJAL and publish them electronically as the Collection of the Research Library for Study of the Japanese Language History.
- In cooperation with the Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts of the National Institutes of Japanese Literature, we are converting historical texts held by NINJAL into image data.
(2) Research Materials Room
[Collection and browsing of research materials]
- We collect and preserve research materials on Japanese language, linguistics, Japanese language education, and related fields and make it available for use by visitors. The Research Materials Room is located on the third floor of NINJAL.
[Maintenance of database of collected materials]
- We organize research materials held by the Research Materials Room and publish them electronically as the Research Materials on NINJAL database.
[Maintenance of database of audio and video holdings]
- We promote the conversion (digitization) of audio and video materials held by NINJAL and make it available to the public in the form of an in-house audio/video database for use within the institute.
(3) Promotion of Other Collaborative Research
[Organizing and participating in events]
- To promote the shared use of research literature and materials and encourage applications for collaborative research projects, we host events such as shared-use seminars, participate in academic conferences and events, and engage in public relations.
[Electronic distribution of datasets]
- To promote the use of datasets owned by NINJAL, we grant licenses such as CC BY to the dataset and distribute them electronically.
[Physical distribution of corpora, etc.]
- We carry out the physical distribution of datasets, including already constructed corpora.
[Publication of Kokugogaku (Japanese Linguistics)]
- We publish the Full Text Database of Kokugogaku, the journal of The Society for Japanese Linguistics.
[Publication of collections of research papers]
- We publish two issues of the online journal NINJAL Research Papers per year to showcase research results from NINJAL.
[Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan]
- We translate into English those Japanese papers that have pioneering value and an established reputation in terms of Japanese and general linguistics and publish them in the series Pioneering Linguistic Works in Japan.
[Building a digital archive site] NINDA
- In collaboration with the NIHU Knowledge Co-creation Project "Digital Library for Humanities" (, we are building a NINJAL digital archive site.