第124回 NINJALコロキウム
"Charting the English Influence on European Languages: Anglified Danish as a Case Study"

2022年9月20日 (火) 15:30~17:30
  • 国立国語研究所 多目的室 (東京都立川市緑町10-2) 交通案内
  • Web開催 (Zoom)


Henrik GOTTLIEB (デンマーク、コペンハーゲン大学 名誉教授)


Contact Linguistics, Language Politics, Translation Studies
  • Henrik GOTTLIEB (2021) Anglicisms: Criteria, categories & corpora: Aims and means in the compilation of the Danish GLAD contribution. In: Ramón Martí Solano and Pablo Ruano San Segundo (Eds.) Anglicisms and Corpus Linguistics: Corpus-Aided Research into the Influence of English on European Languages, 71-95. Peter Lang.
  • Henrik GOTTLIEB (2020) Echoes of English: Anglicisms in Minor Speech Communities – with Special Focus on Danish and Afrikaans. Peter Lang.
  • Henrik GOTTLIEB (2020) Entlehnungen im Dänischen: Von den Germanismen zu den Anglizismen. In: Barbara Kaltz, Gerhard Meiser and Horst Haider Munske (Eds.) Englisch in europäischen Sprachen, 53-82. FAU University Press.
  • Henrik GOTTLIEB (2018) The politics of audiovisual translation. In: Fruela Fernández and Jonathan Evans (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics, 323-342. Routledge.

Especially since 1945, the vocabulary, phraseology and grammar of Danish – and other European languages (plus Japanese) – has been markedly impacted by English.

This presentation takes a critical, yet constructive look at a number of key concepts used in modern Anglicism research – a field experiencing growing attention in academia (Imamura 2018; Peterson & Beers-Fägersten 2018; GLAD 2022). My aim is to promote a scientific approach to the much-debated question of Anglo-American cultural and linguistic impact on languages outside the Anglosphere.

I will present a taxonomy of Anglicisms encompassing all types of impact from Anglophone sources in any type of speech community worldwide. The taxonomy is based on the following definition: “An Anglicism is any individual or systemic language feature adapted or adopted from English – or inspired or boosted by English models – used in intra-lingual communication in a speech community in which English is not the home language” (Gottlieb 2020: 32).

  • GLAD (2022), Publications. Global Anglicism Database Network: https://www.nhh.no/en/research-centres/global-anglicism-database-network/
  • Henrik GOTTLIEB (2020) Echoes of English: Anglicisms in Minor Speech Communities – with Special Focus on Danish and Afrikaans. Peter Lang.
  • IMAMURA Keisuke (2018) The lexical influence of English on Japanese language: Toward future comparative studies of anglicisms. Global studies (2): 101-116.
  • Elizabeth Peterson and Kristy Beers Fägersten (2018) Introduction to the special issue: Linguistic and pragmatic outcomes of contact with English. Journal of Pragmatics 133: 105-108.



国内外の優れた研究者を講師にお招きし、日本語・言語学・日本語教育のさまざまな分野について最前線の研究成果をお話しいただく講演会です。一般に公開していますので、教員・大学院生を問わず、ご自由にご参加ください。 (参加無料)

スケジュール : 不定期。原則として、1ヶ月1回。
会場 : 国立国語研究所 2階 多目的室
