

  1. Murasugi, Keiko and Tomoko Hashimoto (2003) Three Pieces of Acquisition Evidence for the v-VP Frame.
    Nanzan Linguistics1: 1-19.
    [ PDF | 81KB ]
  2. Murasugi, Keiko, Tomoko Hashimoto and Sachiko Kato (2004) On the Acquisition of Causative in Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 2: 47-60.
    [ PDF | 83KB ]
  3. Murasugi, Keiko, Chisato Fuji and Tomoko Hashimoto (2010) What's Acquired Later in an Agglutinative Language.
    Nanzan Linguistics 6: 47-78.
    [ PDF | 240KB ]
  4. Murasugi, Keiko, Tomomi Nakatani and Chisato Fuji (2012) Three Types of the "Overgenerated NO" in the Acquisition of Japanese Noun Phrases.
    Nanzan Linguistics 8: 69-87.
    [ PDF | 130KB ]
  5. Takita, Kensuke (2010) Cyclic Linearization and Constraints on Movement and Ellipsis. PhD Dissertation, Nanzan University. [ PDF | 1,176KB ]
  6. Takita, Kensuke (2012) Pseudo-Right Dislocation and the Bare-Topic Construction in Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 8: 147-171.
    [ PDF | 190KB ]
  7. Fujii, Tomohiro (2010) Split Control and the Principle of Minimal Distance. In: N. Hornstein and M. Polinsky (eds.)
    Movement Theory of Control, 211-244. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    [ PDF | 138KB ]
  8. Fujii, Tomohiro (2012) On the Calculus of Control and Lack of Overt Agreement Morphology.
    Nanzan Linguistics 8:1-16.
    [ PDF | 107KB ]
  9. Fujii, Tomohiro and Yu Masuda (2013) On Some Asymmetries between Head-External Relatives and Clefts in Japanese.
    Fuji English Review: One-Day Workshop on Syntax and Semantics 2012, 37-52. Sapporo: Fuji Women's University.
    [ PDF | 101KB ]
  10. Sugisaki, Koji (2005) Very Early Parameter-Setting: New Evidence.
    Nanzan Linguistics 2: 81-96.
    [ PDF | 101KB ]
  11. Sugisaki, Koji (2009) The Acquisition of Argument Ellipsis in Japanese: A Preliminary Study.
    Nanzan Linguistics 5: 61-73.
    [ PDF | 443KB ]
  12. Sugisaki, Koji (2011a) A Constraint on Argument Ellipsis in Child Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 7: 63-76.
    [ PDF | 193KB ]
  13. Sugisaki, Koji (2011b) Children's Grammatical Conservatism: Evidence from the Acquisition of Case Markers and Postpositions in Japanese. In: Y. Otsu (ed.)
    The Proceedings of the Twelfth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 249-260. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo Publishing.
    [ PDF | 139KB ]
  14. Sugisaki, Koji (2012a) A Constraint on Argument Ellipsis in child Japanese. In: Alia K. Biller, Esther Y. Chung and Amelia E. Kimball (eds.)
    Proceedings of the 36th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 555-567. Somerville, Massachusetts: Cascadilla Press.
    [ PDF | 121KB ]
  15. Sugisaki, Koji (2012b) LF Wh-movement and its Locality Constraints in Child Japanese.
    Language Acquisition 19:174-181.
    [ PDF | 89KB ]
  16. Sugisaki, Koji (In press) The Ban on Adjunct Ellipsis in Child Japanese. In Proceedings of the 37th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. [ PDF | 168KB ]
  17. Takano, Yuji (forthcoming) Extending Movement Derivations from Control to Binding. [ PDF | 66KB ]
  18. Takano, Yuji (forthcoming) Notes on Movement of Antecedents. [ PDF | 72KB ]
  19. Takano, Yuji (forthcoming) Movement of Antecedents and Minimality.
    Nanzan Linguistics 9.
    [ PDF | 105KB ]
  20. Saito, Mamoru (2003) Ellipsis and Pronominal Reference in Japanese Clefts.
    Nanzan Linguistics 1: 21-50.
    [ PDF | 122KB ]
  21. Saito, Mamoru (2011) Two Notes on Feature Inheritance: A Parametric Variation in the Distribution of the EPP.
    Nanzan Linguistics 7: 43-61.
    [ PDF | 117KB ]
  22. Saito, Mamoru (2012) Case Checking/Valuation in Japanese: Move, Agree or Merge?
    Nanzan Linguistics 8: 109-127.
    [ PDF | 126KB ]
  23. Miyamoto, Yoichi (2005) On the Nominal-Internal Distributive Interpretation in Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 3: 123-138.
    [ PDF | 121KB ]
  24. Miyamoto, Yoichi (2010) On Chinese and Japanese Relative Clauses and NP-Ellipsis.
    Nanzan Linguisticsa 6: 13-46.
    [ PDF | 193KB ]
  25. Miyamoto, Yoichi (2012) On the Event Argument and Anti-Quantifier ZUTSU in Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 8: 47-68.
    [ PDF | 162KB ]
  26. Miyamoto, Yoichi and Mina Sugimura (2004) A Subject/Object Asymmetry and its Implication for Clausal Architecture in Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 2.
    [ PDF | 113KB ]
  27. Kishimoto, Hideki (2009) Syntactic Status of Idiomatic Subjects in Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 5: 41-60.
    [ PDF | 112KB ]
  28. Kishimoto, Hideki (2010) Possessor Raising and Two Types of Honorification.
    Nanzan Linguistics 6: 1-11.
    [ PDF | 73KB ]
  29. Hideki Kishimoto (2011). Topicalization and coordination in Japanese. Andrew Simpson (ed.)
    Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL7) MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 62, 171-186.
    [ PDF | 242KB ]
  30. Hideki Kishimoto (2012). Subject honorification and the position of subjects in Japanese.
    Journal of East Asian Linguistics 21.1, 1-41.
    [ PDF | 468KB ]
    Subject honorification and the position of subjects in Japanese - Springer
  31. 岸本秀樹 (2012) 「日本語の等位節と情報構造」『言語科学研究』特別号 遠藤喜雄 (編)
    『談話のカートグラフィー研究:主文現象と複文現象の統語を目指して(3)』 195-205.
    [ PDF | 253KB ]
  32. Fuji, Chisato, Tomoko Hashimoto and Keiko Murasugi (2008) A VP-Shell Analysis for the Undergeneration and the Overgeneration in the Acquisition of Japanese Causatives and Potentials.
    Nanzan Linguistics 4: 21-41.
    [ PDF | 132KB ]
  33. Dejima, Mayumi, Tomomi Nakatani and Keiko Murasugi (2009) The Emergence of Speech Act Phrase: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of Two Japanese-Speaking Infants.
    Nanzan Linguistics 5: 17-39.
    [ PDF | 251KB ]
  34. Serkan Şener and Daiko Takahashi (2010) Ellipsis of Arguments in Japanese and Turkish.
    Nanzan Linguistics 6: 79-99.
    [ PDF | 149KB ]
  35. Takahashi, Daiko and Sichao Lin (2012) Two Notes on Multiple Sluicing in Chinese and Japanese.
    Nanzan Linguistics 8: 129-145.
    [ PDF | 114KB ]
  36. Takano, Yuji (2009) Scrambling and the Nature of Movement.
    Nanzan Linguistics 5: 75-104.
    [ PDF | 179KB ]